Choirs at Blessed Sacrament
Interested in joining choir? Email Michael Plagerman
The Senior Choir – COMING AUTUMN 2024!!!
This ensemble rehearses weekly on Wednesday mornings and sings at the monthly Senior Mass. Focusing on repertoire important to and suggested by this community, the choir sings from downstairs, often with the piano, and focuses on fellowship and discipleship alongside its musical pursuits. Participants must be 60 years old or older. No audition is required, contact the Director of Sacred Music at mplagerman@bspwa.org for more information or to add your name to the roster.
The Frassati Choir
This collection of young adults sings at the 5:30pm Mass on the first Sunday of the month, which is the Mass at Blessed Sacrament for the Frassati community. The choir rehearses for one hour before Mass. No audition is required, please contact the Director of Sacred Music at mplagerman@bspwa.org for more information or to be added to the roster.