The Prodigal Program
Welcome home! We are so glad you’re here!
Are you a Catholic who is thinking of returning or has recently returned to the Church?
If so, you might have lots of questions.
This is the place to start.
Question: What’s the most common way that people return to the Church?
Answer: Every return to the Church is different, but many people return to the Church by coming back to Mass. If you haven’t been to Mass yet, we encourage you to come and participate, either at Blessed Sacrament or wherever feels most comfortable for you. You can find all the Blessed Sacrament Mass and Devotion times here. You can also contact the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office at (206) 547-3020 or email for more information.
Question: If I attend Mass, is it Ok to take Communion?
Answer: That depends. If you have been away from the Church for an extended period of time, haven’t been to Confession since your return, and haven’t had a chance to talk with a priest, you may not be ready to start receiving Communion again. The best course of action is to make an appointment to meet with a priest (see below for how to do that) before receiving Communion.
Question: Should I go to Confession?
Answer: Yes! But your first Confession after being away from the Church is best arranged ahead of time through an appointment. It can also be helpful to meet ahead of time with a priest to help you get ready for Confession. Making a good examination of conscience will be essential. You’ll want to take the time to prayerfully reflect and prepare to make your Confession. To get started, make an appointment to meet with a priest (see below for how to do that).
Question: Which priest should I meet with? How do I make an appointment to meet with a priest?
Answer: You can meet with a priest at the parish of your choice although we encourage you to meet with one of the priests at Blessed Sacrament. To make an appointment with a priest at Blessed Sacrament, email Lisa Brown at or call the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office at (206) 547-3020. Be sure to let the Parish Office and the priest know that you are returning (or have recently returned) to the Catholic Church.
Question: What if I just want to come by Blessed Sacrament to pray?
Answer: We welcome and encourage you to engage in private prayer at any time and we would love to see you! Along with the Masses and Devotion times here, Blessed Sacrament is open for private prayer on weekdays from 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM. If you’re not sure where to start with private prayer, see this link to Basic Prayers, including the Our Father, Hail Mary, Creed, others.
Question: What if I just want to stop by and say Hi?
Answer: We would love to talk with you. You can stop by the Welcoming Table before and after Masses on the First Sunday of each month. (Or, drop by the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office (5050 8th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105) on weekdays from 9:00 AM – Noon and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Or, email However you stop by, be sure to let us know that you are returning (or have recently returned) to the Catholic Church.
Question: Is there a way to talk with other parishioners who have returned to the Church?
Answer: We are planning to start social gatherings especially for people who have returned to the Church. More coming about that soon! There are also events and other activities that you can read about in the bulletin. But please remember that the most important first step is to meet with a priest.
Question: What are some Confession resources? How about Examinations of Conscience?
Answer: Here are some suggested resources and Examinations of Conscience to get you started. The priest you meet with may have some other suggestions as well.
Confession Summary & Guide
God’s Gift of Forgiveness United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
3 Minutes: Penance and Reconciliation Video, USCCB (3 mins)
The Seven Sacraments: Confession Fr. Dominic David Maichrowicz, O.P. (1 hour, 37 mins)
Reconciliation at Blessed Sacrament
Question: What if I’m not sure when to sit, stand or kneel at Mass? What if I can’t remember all the responses?
Answer: It’s Ok if you’re not sure what to do at first! We have Worship Aids for Sunday Masses.
Question: Where can I find the Mass readings? Or access the Bible online?
Answer: Here are some suggested resources. These are the same readings that you will hear read at Mass.
Daily Mass Readings and Calendar of Readings (USCCB). You can also register to have these sent each day via email.
Bible New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE)
Question: What if I need more information?
Answer: You can contact us in a variety of ways.
Email Gaylan Adair at
Call the Blessed Sacrament Parish Office at (206) 547-3020
Before you go, please fill out this Contact form!
The Return of the Prodigal Son, Rembrandt (1661–1669).