Lent 2025

Looking for our Holy Week schedule? Click below!


Divine Mercy Holy Hour

Every Sunday
3:00 - 4:00 PM

Blessed Sacrament holds a Divine Mercy Holy Hour every Sunday afternoon. Join us from 3:00 - 4:00 PM each Sunday for Adoration, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Rosary and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Join us for Fridays in Lent! 

Soup Suppers have returned to Fridays in Lent!

Beginning with Mass at 5:30 PM, join us for Fridays in Lent at Blessed Sacrament. Soup Supper in the Parish Hall begins immediately after the 5:30 PM Mass, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM. Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation begins at 8:00 PM.

5:30 PM: Mass 

6:00 PM: Soup Supper after the 5:30 PM Mass in the Parish Hall!

7:00 PM: Stations of the Cross

8:00 - 11:00 PM: Adoration & Confession

Soup Suppers: Sign up to Serve on Fridays in Lent

Volunteers needed to help with Soup Suppers 

Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall

Soup Supper is served after the 5:30 p.m. Mass (6:00-7:00 PM)

As we journey together into the desert this Lent, volunteers are needed to help with Soup Suppers on Friday evenings after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Roles include setup/basic food preparation, serving, and clean up. No special skills are necessary! 

Our committed volunteer soup makers will be serving a nourishing bowl of vegetarian or vegan soup, accompanied by bread and cheese. All are encouraged to lend a hand as we focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this season. Ministries, families, and individuals are welcome to sign up! Volunteers are able to attend Mass at 5:30 p.m., have time to enjoy soup, participate in Stations, and listen to the reflection as desired. Click the button below to sign up! Please email Gaylan at gadair@bspwa.org or call (206)732-7355 with questions.

A Way of the Cross for Married People

Pray with Your Beloved or on Your Own

Fr. Dominic David is pleased to present a new recording to aid in your Lenten walk with Christ: A Way of the Cross for Married People. Have I taken my spouse's contributions for granted? Have I complained and grumbled under the weight of my cross, or been too proud to accept the help I need? Have I failed to be a generous "Simon of Cyrene" to my spouse? Do I allow my awareness of death to remind me to love Christ and my beloved with greater intensity while there is still time? Or am I called to live on in faith, after the death of my spouse?

A Way of the Cross for Married People features Fr. Dominic David praying the Stations of the Cross at Blessed Sacrament Church, with insightful and heartfelt penitential reflections written especially for married people by Joe and Cinda DeVet, and read by Blessed Sacrament parishioners. Some of you may remember the wisdom and goodness of Joe and Cinda from their Marriage Enrichment Course offered at Blessed Sacrament several years ago. Once again, they are sharing the fruits of their marriage vocation and helping us to grow in love for Christ, his Church, and our spouse!

Catechesis with the Pastor: The Practice of Fasting


CLICK HERE to watch Father Dominic David’s talk on the practice of fasting.

Easter Octave Cards & Easter Flower Donations 

Easter Octave Intentions

A single Mass is offered for all prayers each day of the Easter Octave. Easter Octave intentions can be offered through our Giving Portal. Click the button below, and enter the name of a loved one, living or deceased, in the "Special Intentions" box.

Easter Flower Donations 

Easter flowers can be donated through our Giving Portal. Click the button below, and enter the name of a loved one, living or deceased, in the "Special Intentions" box. Please consider offering a donation of $15, in honor of a loved one, living or deceased. All intentions received on or before March 25th will be published in the Easter Bulletin. Thank you for your generosity and support of this Parish tradition! 

Lenten Resources from FORMED

Sign up for FORMED!

Have you signed up for FORMED? It is easy to do and free to you as a gift from Blessed Sacrament Parish!  To sign up for FORMED, go to formed.org, click “Sign Up,” then “Sign Up as a Parishioner,” and enter “Blessed Sacrament Seattle” as your Parish. The address will display as “5041 9th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105.” 

Click for more FORMED Lenten resources