Senior Ministry
The Senior Ministry has a multi-faceted approach to engaging our seniors in parish life. Our mission is to provide opportunities for fellowship and support for our seniors, but not in isolation of other ministries. In fact, we encourage outreach beyond our core group, in order that our seniors, our young adults, and our families can share their love of the Catholic Faith intergenerationally.
Our most visible activity is currently our monthly luncheon, which begins with Adoration along with the Rosary, and is followed by Mass with Anointing. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available during Adoration. Thereafter, we come together in the Parish Hall for a family-style luncheon and time for fellowship, followed by various programs, including projects, movies, and guest speakers. We have worked with the Sunday School Program, the Music Ministry, The Mom’s Group, and the Knights of Columbus. We have also made blankets for both pregnant mothers and homebound seniors.
NOTE: There is no age requirement for participating in this ministry or attending the luncheon. Join us and bring your imagination, your special talents, your vibrant faith, and your enthusiasm, as there are no skills tests, either. Let’s grow our support team, so that we can increase our faith outreach throughout Blessed Sacrament Parish.