Sunday School Volunteer Sign-Up
Our Educational programs are only made possible through the generosity of volunteers such as yourself! Please look at the needs below to see where your gifts might best serve our community. Have questions about the below opportunities? Please email Pat Bucy at
Note - Descriptions for each volunteer role are included at the bottom of this form.
Volunteer Role Descriptions
Help In the Classroom
Teacher or Co-Teacher
What: You get to have the joy of sharing our Faith with our children! Use the provided curriculum to prepare a weekly lesson plan for your class and then lead and teach the class on Sundays. If you prefer, you can work with a co-teacher so that the two of you can share/split this responsibility. All the materials you need for your class will be provided.
Time Commitment: 90 minutes on Sundays. Additional time as necessary during the week to prepare for class
When: Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:40. (click here for our Sunday school calendar.).
Classroom Assistant
What: Assist the teachers in the classroom with the week’s lesson plan. No advanced planning required. You get to work with our beautiful children, but aren’t required to teach or plan :).
Time Commitment: 90 minutes, 2-4 times per month.
When: Sunday mornings from 10:30-11:40. (click here for our Sunday school calendar.).
Emergency Substitute
We need substitutes as well. As amazing as our teachers are, not even they are immune to illness.
Sunday Forum Help
Sunday Forum Team
What: Prepare the Sunday Forum space for our speaker. This involves moving furniture, setting up the chairs, preparing the hospitality Table and also putting up the Sunday Forum directional signs. One member of the Sunday Forum team will also introduce the day’s speaker. After the Forum, clean up and reset the space.
Time Commitment: 2.5-3 hours, 1-3 times per month
When: Setup time is flexible but needs to be completed before 10:15AM. Cleanup starts after the speaker at about 11:45
Sunday School Hospitality and Behind the Scenes
School Gatekeeper
What: Greet people at the school front gate with a smile, answer questions, give directions and provide a warm welcome.
Time Commitment: 1 hour, 2-4 times per month.
When: Sunday after the 9:00AM Mass (Approx. 10:10).
Nursery Help
What: Help watch over the youngest members of our parish in the Interconnections Room nursery area. This allows the children’s parents to share fellowship with other parishioners. This is not a ‘drop off and leave’ nursery; the parents will still be nearby.
Time Commitment: 1 hour, 2-4 times per month.
When: Sunday after the 9:00AM Mass (Approx. 10:10).
Sunday Coffee and Donuts.
What: Feed the hungry masses by helping our hospitality leaders prepare and serve Sunday coffee and donuts! Nothing like a Sunday morning chocolate covered Bavarian cream or French crueler and you will be making this possible :).
Time Commitment: 45 minutes, 2-4 times per month.
When: Sundays, immediately after the 9:00 AM mass (@10:10)
Sunday School Setup and/or Cleanup
What: There are so many behind the scenes needs at Sunday school - making copies for teachers, preparing our Assembly space, putting out the nursery area toys, setting up the Dominican Trading Post, etc., etc.. . Please lend a hand and help fill in all of these nooks and crannies of need.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours, 2-4 times per month.
When: Setup at @8:45 AM. Cleanup at 11:45 AM
Event Support
Much works goes into our hosting our annual celebrations. Please consider how you might be able to help make them wonderful events!
All-Saints Potluck Celebration
What: Assist in the set up of the Parish Hall. Help manage the food and drink tables during the party. Take-down the space and assist in the cleanup. If you also want to share your creative ideas in the planning the event, even better!
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours
When: November 1st. Setup starts at 4:00PM. Cleanup is after the celebration – roughly 9:00pm.
Advent Workshop
What: We need volunteers for setup/cleanup, hospitality and to run one of our craft tables. Use the QR code or follow the link to find out more!
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours.
When: December 1st. Setup begins at 8:30 AM. Craft Tables, Hospitality at 10:15 AM. Cleanup at Noon. Those running craft tables may need to come earlier if they are not familiar with the craft they are leading.
First Communion Banner Making Workshop
What: Are you a crafty (in the artistic sense) person? This is perfect for you! First, help setup the space with all the materials tools for making First Communion banners (blank banners, decorative felt, ribbons and bric-a-brac, and all the tools necessary - fabric scissors, glue and glue guns, stencils, etc..). During the event aid the children as needed in creating their banners. Afterwards, help take down and clean up the space.
Time Commitment: 3.5 Hours on May 3rd
First Communion Reception
What: We need volunteers to We need volunteers for setup/cleanup, hospitality and to run one of our craft tables. Also, if you a penchant for putting together celebrations or simply have some First Communion Reception ideas we’d love to have you as part of the planning as well!
Time Commitment: 1-4 hours on May 4th. Setup begins at 8:30 AM. Other roles at 10:15 AM. If you want to help plan, additional time may be required before the event.
Pray!!! (And consider joining our prayer team :) )
Everything we do is only possible by the grace of God and therefor is fueled by your prayers. Whether or not you are part of our prayer team, please offer up our parish’s educational and formational programs.
If you do want to commit to praying for us regularly, please sign up for our prayer team. You will receive our weekly intentions for you offer to the Lord along with your other intentions.